Conformationally constrained chemotactic peptide analogs of high biological activity

The stereochemically constrained chemotactic peptide analogs, formylmethionyl‐α‐aminoisobutyrylphenylalanine (formyl‐Met‐Aib‐Phe‐OH) and formylmethionylcycloleucinylphenylalanine (formyl‐Met‐Cyl‐Phe‐OH) are highly effective in inducing lysosomal enzyme release from rabbit neutrophils. NMR studies of the Aib2 analog in (CD3)2SO favor a folded conformation in which the Phe NH group is inaccessible to solvent. Intramolecularly hydrogen‐bonded conformations involving a Met‐Aib‐β‐turn or a γ‐turn centered at Aib2 are considered. The results suggest that folded conformations may allow highly active interactions with the neutrophil formylpeptide receptor.