Comparison of enzymic with cineangiocardiographic estimations of myocardial infarct size.

Comparisons were made between enzymic indices of myocardial infarct size (total creatine kinase appearance and peak enzyme activity) measured during the acute stage of a 1st myocardial infarct in 32 male patients and analysis of contraction abnormalities in biplane left ventricular cineangiocardiograms performed 1 mo. later. The cineangiocardiograms were analyzed independently by 2 radiologists, each using 2 different methods for quantification of subjectively classified abnormalities of left ventricular wall motion. A strong correlation was found between the 2 enzymic indices of infarct size and somewhat weaker correlations between assessment of contractility abnormalities made by 2 radiologists using the same method or by the same radiologist using the 2 different methods. Comparisons between enzymic and angiocardiographic indices for all infarcts showed correlation coefficients within the range of 0.53-0.72. With all comparisons of enzymic with radiological indices, r values were higher for anterior infarcts than for inferior infarcts; there was a tendency for higher enzyme levels for a given degree of left ventricular damage in inferior than in anterior infarction which may be the result of variable degrees of right ventricular damage in inferior infarction.