Gamma Rays from the 1.83-Mev Resonance in the ReactionMg24(p, γ)Al25

The Mg24(p, γ)Al25 reaction has been studied in the range of proton energies from 1.66 Mev to 2.02 Mev. A new resonance at 1.833±0.007 Mev was observed which corresponds to an excited state of 4.047±0.010 Mev in Al25. The new excited state was observed to decay by the emission of 4.01±0.04, 2.43±0.04, and 1.62±0.03 Mev gamma rays. The last two gamma rays were observed to be in coincidence and the intensity ratio of the first two gamma rays was found to be 60±10:40±10. The experimental value of ωγ=(J+12)ΓpΓγΓ, for the ground state transition was found to be 3×103 ev and an upper limit of 10 kev was estimated for Γ the total width of the resonance. Angular distribution measurements have shown that the angular momentum of the new state is either 52 or 92 with the latter value favored. On the basis of the observed dipole-quadrupole admixtures found for the gamma rays the parity of the new state is probably even. A discussion is given of the place of the new state in the rotational-like bands of Al25.

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