Über Interaktionen von Eiweisstoffen XXI. Charakterisierung der Komponenten des wärmedenaturierten menschlichen Serumalbumins

The electrophoretic behavior of the heat-denatured human albumin was investigated in dependence on the pH and on the heating period. In the pH range from 5 up to 7 the denatured albumin was split into 2 components, the ratio of which was affected by the pH to a great extent. At const. pH the content of the component with the lower electrophoretic mobility increased with the heating time. Both components were sepd. by means of the preparative electrophoresis and their properties were studied by means of the electron microscope and of the sedimentation analysis. A probable reaction scheme of the denaturation process is suggested in which 5 types of particles are supposed in the soln. of the heated albumin.