πpπ0π0n near threshold and chiral symmetry breaking

Total cross sections, angular, and mass distributions for the reaction πpπ0 π0n have been measured for pπ(lab)=7–140 MeV/c above threshold. The threshold amplitude was used to determine a value for the chiral-symmetry-breaking parameter, ξ, of -0.98±0.52. The ππ scattering lengths aI for isospin I=0 and 2 are derived from this result, together with a current-algebra sum rule. The results are a0=(0.207±0.028)mπ1 and a2=(-0.022±0.011)mπ1. These values are consistent with chiral symmetry broken by the Weinberg ππ interaction and the effects of the f0(975) scalar meson.