Magnetic anisotropy and hyperfine interactions in CeFe2, GdFe2, and LuFe2

Mössbauer-effect measurements on Fe57 have been carried out on the cubic Laves compounds CeFe2, GdFe2, and LuFe2 between 80 and 300 K. The analysis of the Mössbauer spectra allowed the determination of the easy axes of magnetization n in these compounds. In CeFe2, n is parallel to the [100] direction up to 150 K; it then becomes of type [uuw] with an angle of inclination with respect to the [100] axis of 20°. Just below the Curie temperature at 230 K, this angle increases to 30°. In GdFe2, n is parallel to the [100] direction at 80 and 300 K. In LuFe2, n is of [uuw] type at 80 and 300 K. In terms of the phenomenological treatment of the magnetic anisotropy, the presence of an [uuw] type of easy axis of magnetization indicates that the bulk magnetic-anisotropy constant K3 is of the same order of magnitude as K1 and K2. The hyperfine parameters of the three compounds are reported and discussed.