Afferent and efferent connections of the oculomotor cerebellar vermis in the macaque monkey

Saccadic eye movements were evoked with weak currents applied to a circumscribed vermal area. The area was confined to lobule VII in the majority of the monkeys and coincided with the distribution of saccade‐related neural activity. We defined this area as the oculomotor vermis and studied its anatomical connections with wheat germ‐agglutinin conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA/HRP) and HRP. When injected HRP was confined to the oculomotor vermis, most labeled Purkinje axons terminated ipsilaterally in an ellipsoidal region in the mediocaudal aspect of the fastigial nucleus. Retrogradely labeled cells were found in two relatively circumscribed regions in the fastigial nucleus: one group was in the lateral half of the ellipsoidal terminal region and the other group was in a spherical region near the lateral margin of the nucleus. Following the injection of HRP into the oculomotor vermis, the largest population of retrogradely labeled neurons was found in the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis. Labeled cells were located only in the medial and dorsolateral portions of the nucleus. The cell aggregates in the dorsolateral portion merged with densely labeled cells of the processus tegmentosus lateralis. The second largest population of labeled cells was found in the pontine nuclei. Approximately 28% of the labeled pontine cells aggregated in the paramedian pontine nucleus, whereas the other labeled pontine cells were widely distributed in the dorsal part of the pontine peduncular nucleus and the dorsolateral pontine nucleus. Labeled cells were scattered also in the pontine raphe, the paramedian pontine reticular formation, and the interfascicular nucleus at the rostral level of the hypoglossal nucleus. Fewer labeled cells were discovered in the vestibular nuclear complex and the prepositus hypoglossi. In the inferior olivary nucleus, labeled cells were located in the subnucleus b of the medial accessory nucleus.