Suggestion of a New Dinucleon Resonance in an Isosinglet, Negative-Parity State

On the basis of np phase shifts reported in the preceding paper, we suggest an isospin I=0 np resonance as responsible for the structures observed in three or four independent quantities. The most plausible candidate is the 1F3 state. Its Breit-Wigner parameters are MR∼2.19GeV, Γel∼50 MeV and Γel/Γ∼0.12. This structure in the 1F3 wave explains half of the observed sharp rising of the σr(I=0) above 1.1GeV/c and is compatible with the experimental peak in the ΔσL(I=0) as well as with the shoulder in the σtot(np) around 1.4GeV/c.