Etude par spectroscopie infrarouge de mélanges binaires de l'eau avec quelques accepteurs de protons dans la région des vibrations de valence OH

The i.r. spectra of binary mixtures of water (HDO and H2O) and four non-electrolyte cosolvants: acetonitrile, dioxane, dimethylsulfoxide, and hexamethylphosphorotriamide have been recorded from 3700 to 3100 cm−1, the mole fractions of water varying from 0 to 1. The investigation of the OH stretching bands of water suggests the presence of various types of hydrogen bonded complexes and confirms the existence of well-defined I–II complexes (one molecule of water bonded to two molecules of cosolvent) when Xwater < 0.1. In the range 0.8 < Xwater < 1 the organic cosolvent has negligible effect on the spectrum of water.