Cerebral Metabolic Response to Traumatic Brain Injury Sustained Early in Development: A 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose Autoradiographic Study

Following fluid percussion (FP) traumatic brain injury (TBI), adult rats exhibit dynamic regional changes in cerebral glucose metabolism characterized by an acute (hours) increase and subsequent chronic (weeks) decrease in metabolic rates. The injury-induced hyperglycolysis is the result of ionic fluxes across cell membranes and the degree and extent of metabolic depression is predictive of neurobehavioral deficits. Given that younger animals appear to exhibit similar physiological responses to injury yet show an improved rate of recovery compared to adults, we wanted to determine if this injury-induced dynamic metabolic response to TBI is different if the injury is sustained early in life. Local cerebral metabolic rates for glucose (ICMRglc: μmol/100 g/min) using [14C]2-deoxy-D-glucose were measured immediately, 30 min, 1 day, and 3 days following a mild to moderate level of lateral FP injury in postnatal day 17 (P17) rats. Even though gross morphological damage was not evident, injured pups exhibited ipsilateral hyperglycolysis immediately after injury, predominantly in cortical regions (ranging from 59.2% to 116.5% above controls). This hyperglycolytic state subsided within 30 min, and by 1 day all cerebral structures, except the ipsilateral cerebellar cortex, showed lower rates of glucose metabolism (ranging from 5.7% to 63.0% below controls). This period of posttraumatic metabolic depression resolved within 3 days for all structures measured. Compared to previous adult studies these results suggest that the young rat pup, although exhibiting acute hyperglycolysis, is not subjected to a prolonged period of metabolic depression, which supports the findings that at this level of injury severity, these young animals show remarkable neurological sparing following TBI.