Biosynthesis of ethylene. Enzymes involved in its formation from methional

1. Two enzymes were shown to be necessary for the production of ethylene from methional; they were separated from extracts of cauliflower florets by fractionation on Sephadex and other methods. 2. The first enzyme, generating hydrogen peroxide, appears to be similar to the fungal glucose oxidase, for like the latter it is highly specific for its substrate d-glucose. 3. The second enzyme, in the presence of cofactors and peroxide generated by the first enzyme, cleaves methional to ethylene. 4. It was also found that hydrogen peroxide in these reactions may be replaced by hydroperoxide generated from linolenic acid by lipoxidase enzymes. 5. Dihydroxyphenols were shown to have a marked inhibitory effect on these reactions and to account for the initial phase of low activity that is always observed in aqueous extracts prepared from the floret tissue.