Immunoglobulin‐like messenger RNA in a mouse T cell lymphoma

RNA-driven complementary DNA (cDNA) hybridization experiments have been carried out in order to detect complementary sequences in RNA prepared from a mouse T cell lymphoma line (EL4). In conditions where efficient hybridization of L-chain cDNA with homologous P3 myeloma mRNA was observed, poor hybridization was observed with EL4 mRNA unless a low criterion of hybrid formation was employed (i.e. hydroxyapatite fractionation). The hybrid formed between EL4 mRNA and L-chain cDNA was found to melt about 5 °C below the homologous hybrid indicating that the sequence detected in EL4 mRNA is similar but not identical with the P3 mRNA sequence. However, a similar sequence was detectable in a Cλ-producing myeloma cell line but in this line the concentration of the sequence was found to be an order of magnitude lower than in EL4 cells.