Specific gene expression during compensatory renal hypertrophy in the rat

The compensatory growth of the kidney which is induced by unilateral ne‐phrectomy is a highly regulated process resulting principally in hypertrophy of the remaining kidney. The events which regulate this process are unknown. We have examined the levels of transcripts for the proto‐oncogenes, myc, H‐ras, K‐ras, and fos, and the cellular genes, H4 histone, ornithine aminotrans‐ferase, and gamma‐glutamyl transpeptidase, following unilateral nephrec‐tomy in the rat. The pattern of expression of c‐myc, c‐H‐ras, and c‐K‐ras during compensatory growth of the kidney differs from the pattern of expression of these proto‐oncogenes during liver regeneration, in which, unlike the kidney, hyperplasia rather than hypertrophy predominates. The lack of change in the abundance of these proto‐oncogene transcripts following unilateral nephrec‐tomy suggests a primary relationship between the expression of these proto‐oncogenes and DNA synthesis and indicates there may be separate signals for cell growth, one to double cell size and one to replicate DNA. Increased mRNA transcripts for the enzymes ornithine aminotransferase and gamma‐glutamyl transpeptidase were induced in the contralateral kidney after ne‐phrectomy. The time course of expression for these two enzymes differs. The early expression of the gamma‐glutamyl transpeptidase gene may indicate an involvement of this glutathione‐metabolizing enzyme during renal compensatory growth, while the function of the delayed increase in ornithine amino‐transferase transcripts in the remaining kidney is not apparent.