A report of the clinical and autopsy findings in the following case is of interest, first, because of its rarity, it being, so far as I have been able to ascertain, the only case recorded in which the fatal result could be attributed to skin absorption of this poisonous agent; and, secondly, since it reiterates once more the danger attendant on the use of the various cheap products of coaltar distillation as solvents for the anilin dyes in certain commercially manufactured articles. Dr. A. W. Wheeler and Dr. Peter Donnelly have kindly furnished the clinical history of the case. History. —W. R., aged 22, male, salesman, in excellent health so far as could be ascertained, was taken suddenly ill in a café about 12:30 a. m., March 20. He had attended a dancing party earlier in the evening in company with some friends. After the party he and four or five