Automated Assessment of Intelligence: The Tapac Test Battery and Computerized Report Writing

The development of an automated system of intelligence testing and report writing is described based on the TAPAC apparatus administering the following tests: Shipley-Hartford Vocabulary, Raven Progressive Matrices, and Digit Span and Digit Symbol adapted from the WAIS. Samples of Minneapolis VA Hospital patients referred for assessment of possible deficit functioning were used in the development and cross-validation of the system. Results were transferred from the TAPAC apparatus to computer by punched cards. Predictive equations for WAIS Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs are presented and a statement library for the computerized report writing is described. Computerized reports included predicted WAIS IQs and a six-paragraph report. Cross-validation consisted of ratings of 50 reports on organic and non-organic patients referred for consultation. Ratings were made by referring psychologists and indicated good clinical acceptance of the procedures. General significance of the approach is discussed.