Intraspecific and Intergeneric Mobilization of Non-conjugative Resistance Plasmids by a 24-5 Megadalton Conjugative Plasmid of Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Plasmid pLE2451, a 24.5 Mdalton conjugative plasmid from N. gonorrhoeae, was capable of efficiently mobilizing gonococcal .beta.-lactamase plasmids between gonococci and from gonococci to Haemophilus influenzae and restriction-deficient Escherichia coli. Donor strains of N. gonorrhoeae carrying pLE2451 were also capable of mobilizing a variety of non-conjugative plasmids originally derived from enteric bacteria or Haemophilus spp. when such plasmids were resident in E. coli. Nevertheless, pLE2451 was not detected physically in E. coli or H. influenzae transconjugants. The plasmid is apparently unstable in these hosts but it may survive transiently to provide transfer functions for mobilization. The proficiency of pLE2451 in promoting intraspecific and intergeneric mobilization was not paralleled by pUB701, pRI234 and pFR16017, a series of conjugative plasmids derived originally from Haemophilus spp. These plasmids were incapable of mobilizing even Haemophilus .beta.-lactamase plasmids, such as RSF0885, between Haemophilus spp.