Tyrosyl radical generated by myeloperoxidase catalyzes the oxidative cross-linking of proteins.

Phagocytes generate H2O2 for use by a secreted heme enzyme, myeloperoxidase, to kill invading bacteria, viruses, and fungi. We have explored the possibility that myeloperoxidase might also convert L-tyrosine to a radical catalyst that cross-links proteins. Protein-bound tyrosyl residues exposed to myeloperoxidase, H2O2, and L-tyrosine were oxidized to o,o'-dityrosine, a stable product of the tyrosyl radical. The cross-linking reaction required L-tyrosine but was independent of halide and free transition metal ions; the heme poisons azide and aminotriazole were inhibitory. Activated neutrophils likewise converted polypeptide tyrosines to dityrosine. The pathway for oxidation of peptide tyrosyl residues was dependent upon L-tyrosine and was inhibited by heme poisons and catalase. Dityrosine synthesis was little affected by plasma concentrations of Cl- and amino acids, suggesting that the reaction pathway might be physiologically relevant. The requirement for free L-tyrosine and H2O2 for dityrosine formation and the inhibition by heme poisons support the hypothesis that myeloperoxidase catalyzes the cross-linking of proteins by a peroxidative mechanism involving tyrosyl radical. In striking contrast to the pathways generally used to study protein oxidation in vitro, the reaction does not require free metal ions. We speculate that protein dityrosine cross-linking by myeloperoxidase may play a role in bacterial killing or injuring normal tissue. The intense fluorescence and stability of biphenolic compounds may allow dityrosine to act as a marker for proteins oxidatively damaged by myeloperoxidase in phagocyte-rich inflammatory lesions.