Comparison of membrane organization in mitochondria from yeast and rat liver by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Proton magnetic resonance (PMR) and carbon-13 magnetic resonance (CMR) spectra of intact, unsonicated yeast and rat liver motochondria show differences which may be correlated with the composition of the membranes. High resolution PMR and CMR signals in intact yeast mitochondria have been assigned to regions of fluid lipid-lipid interaction on the basis of spectra of extracted lipid and protein, and the temperature dependence of NMR signals from the intact membrane. PMR spectra suggest that about 20% of total yeast phospholipid is in regions where both intramolecular fatty acid chain mobility and lateral diffusion of entire phospholipid molecules are possible. No such regions appear to exist in rat liver mitochondria. For both yeast and rat liver mitochondria, comparison of PMR and CMR spectra suggests that about 50% of phospholipid appears to be in regions where intramolecular fatty acid chain motion is considerable, but lateral diffusion is restricted. The remaining phospholipid appears to have little inter- or intramolecular mobility. Since NMR observation of lipid extracts from membranes indicates that phospholipid-sterol interactions do not account for the spectra of intact mitochondria, these effects are interpreted in terms of extensive lipid-protein interactions.

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