Influence of indomethacin on the natriuretic and renin-stimulating effect of bumetanide in essential hypertension

The effect of bumetanide on absolute and fractional Na excretion, creatinine clearance, and plasma renin activity (PRA) was studied in 8 patients with essential hypertension before and after indomethacin. After bumetanide, urinary Na excretion increased only in the 1st 4 h, creatinine clearance only in the 1st 2 h and PRA rose progressively. After indomethacin, bumetanide caused a smaller increase in urinary Na excretion, decreased creatinine clearance, and caused a small early and later PRA rise. Prostaglandin inhibition and indomethacin did not, per se, affect the tubular natriuretic mechanism but they abolished both early vascular and sustained PRA-stimulating effects of bumetanide.