Kaposi's Sarcoma in the Negro

MULTIPLE HEMORRHAGIC SARCOMA of Kaposi is a rare disease of unknown etiology.1In this disease there appears to be three more or less distinct stages: inflammatory, granulomatous, and neoplastic. It usually starts as ill-defined, doughy, infiltrated plaques or collections of several firm, bean-to-pea size, reddish or purplish nodules, often with accompanying telangiectasis. New growths constantly spring up, and in a few months the involved parts, especially the legs, become greatly enlarged, the skin being rugous and nodular and bluish purple in hue.2Symptoms may be slight, although nodules and plaques may be tender or pruritic. The disease varies markedly in its progression in individuals. The histopathology is rather characteristic. In the inflammatory stage the vessels of the derma are dilated and surrounded by infiltration of round and connective tissue cells. Edema and hemorrhage are minimal. The second or granulomatous stage is characterized by edema, hemorrhage, connective tissue proliferation,