Prevention and Treatment of d-Tubocurarine Poisoning

Substances to prevent paralysis and death of rabbits, following inj. of d-tubocurarine chloride (d-TC), were investigated. Small doses of physostigmine and neostigmine antidoted 1.5 Standard Intocostrin units of d-TC. Ephed-rine and tyramine up to toxic doses did not antidote 1.5 units of d-TC. Small doses of anticholinesterases plus ephedrine or tyramine antidoted 2-3 units of d-TC. Six rabbits were given 1.5 units of d-TC and after complete muscular paralysis 3 of these received 0.05 mg. of neostigmine and the other 3, 0.10 mg. of physostigmine. All recovered in a few mins. Anticholinesterases did not antidote 2.0 units of d-TC, but the d-TC was antidoted by 2.5 mg. of ephedrine plus 0.05 mg. of physostigmine plus 0.025 mg. of neostigmine.