SARCOID was formerly described in the textbooks of dermatology as a tumor-like or nodular formation usually located in the layers of the subcutaneous tissue of the face, the extensor surfaces of the arms and the trunk, showing a dark red, violaceous or brownish discoloration of the skin and not undergoing necrosis or ulceration but sometimes leaving an atrophic scar of the epidermis.1 In 1910, Darier2 described four types of sarcoids. (a) Boeck's multiple benign sarcoid, or miliary lupoid; (b) subcutaneous sarcoid of Darier-Roussy, (c) indurated erythematous sarcoid of the extremities, and (d) Spiegler-Fendt sarcoid. The second type is localized to the hypodermis and shows a tendency to undergo necrosis or ulceration. It is considered a true nodular tuberculosis of the skin. The third type is a condition related to Bazin's erythema, which is also included among the exanthematous forms of cutaneous tuberculosis. The last type was also found