Yields ofKandLX Rays Arising from 2-30-MeV-Proton Bombardment of Ag

Ag K and L x-ray yields have been measured for 2-30-MeV protons incident on a thin Ag foil target with a Si(Li) x-ray detector (resolution 540 eV at 6 keV). The absolute K-shell ionization cross section σK extracted from these measurements has been compared to plane-wave-Born-approximation (PWBA) and binary-encounter-approximation (BEA) calculations and agrees quite well with both over the energy range covered in this investigation. However, the PWBA and BEA predictions of L-shell ionization cross sections are low by a factor close to 2 compared to experimental values for σL, although both predict an energy dependence for the shape of σL in good agreement with that observed. The disagreement in magnitude is most likely because of the present inadequate L-shell fluorescence yields for medium-and low-Z atoms. The KαKβ x-ray intensity ratio for proton bombardment of Ag from 2-30 MeV was observed to be constant (4.68±0.33) and consistently slightly below Scofield's calculation (5.09). The unresolved Kβ peak was decomposed into its two major components Kβ1,3 and Kβ2 whose ratio appeared to be weakly dependent on proton-beam energy.