Haploid strain A3 of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is valuable for biochemical studies because it is capable of axenic growth. Mutants of A3 temperature-sensitive for growth and resistant to the drugs cycloheximide, acriflavin, or methanol were isolated.—Heterozygous diploid recombinants, formed at low frequency by cell and nuclear fusion, were isolated by selecting temperature-resistant progeny of mixed cultures of two nonallelic temperature-sensitive haploids (Loomis 1969). Each drug-resistant mutation was found to be recessive. Two independently isolated methanol-resistant mutants were in one complementation group.—Diploids of A3 heterozygous for drug resistance formed drug-resistant segregants with a frequency of approximately 10-4. Segregants selected for resistance to a single drug were either haploid or diploid; the fraction which was haploid varied from 0.11 to 0.86, depending on the selected marker. Segregants selected for resistance to two or three drugs were almost all haploid.—Using this parasexual cycle of diploid formation and haploidization, linkage of these temperature-sensitive and drug-resistance mutations to each other and to mutations studied by Katz and Sussman (1972) and by Williams, Kessin and Newell (1974b) was analyzed. The methanol-resistant mutants were found to be partially resistant to acriflavin, and unlinked to the mutant selected for acriflavin resistance, which was methanol-sensitive. Of the expected seven linkage groups in D. discoideum, five, and a possible sixth, have been marked.—Linkage analysis of a mutant abnormal in morphogenesis showed that its phenotype results from two unlinked chromosomal mutations