Zur Chemie bei Kernprozessen

In the (n, γ)-reaction in cristalline dibenzene chromium(0) the retention is 11,8%. This value increases to 19,4% if the irradiated sample is sublimated or if it is heated for about 30 minutes to 110°C. It is shown, that the increase of the retention by annealing is not caused only by a reaction of electrones on the skeleton of dibenzene chromium. Beside this, benzene, added as a solvens, cannot replace the recombination-components of 51Cr in the post irradiation process. From these facts and from the independence of the annealing effete of the irradiation-dose can be concluded, that the mechanism of the fast annealing is not a recombination of separated fragments, but taken place between reaction-components, which are correlated from the very beginning.