Action Spectrum for Resetting the Circadian Phototaxis Rhythm in the CW15 Strain of Chlamydomonas

The action spectrum for resetting the phase of the circadian clock in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is different depending upon whether the light stimuli are presented to cells that were in darkness versus dim illumination before stimulation. In this report, we show that phase resetting of illuminated cells appears to be mediated by components of the photosynthetic apparatus. This conclusion is based upon the action spectrum for phase-shifting illuminated cells (which looks like that for photosynthesis) and upon the fact that inhibitors of photosynthetic electron transport also inhibit the light-induced phase shift of illuminated cells. Both of these characteristics differ from that of cells taken from darkness. We, therefore, believe that at least two resetting pathways for this circadian clock exist and that both of these pathways are ecologically significant.