Several years ago Mr. W. H. Hudleston, Prof. J. F. Blake and myself obtained large quantities of Waldheimia (Zeilleria) Hudlestoni, Walker, from the quarry on the Suffield Heights near Scarborough. I had separated several specimens which appeared to differ from the typical form; on rearranging my collection, I carefully examined them, and found that they were covered with fine strise and also had the characteristic form of the genus TerebratuUna.The bed in which they occur is described by Hudleston and Blake, Q.J.G.S. vol. xxxiii. p. 331. This quarry has been long noted for the quantity of small sponges, Spongia floriceps, Spongia corallina, etc., which it contains. It is to be noticed that Quenstedt “die Brachiopoden,” p. 224, states that this brachiopod appears to prefer exclusively a spongy layer as its dwelling place.