Thermopower of Pure Aluminum

The thermopower of 99.999% pure, polycrystalline aluminum has been measured from 4.2 to 300°K using Pb as the standard, and from 300 to above 700°K using Au and Cu as alternative standards. The thermopower is negative at all temperatures with a phonon-drag peak occurring at about 75°K. From 200 to 300°K the thermopower S is well-described by the relation S=2.34×103T284TμV/°K. The thermopowers determined against Au and Cu are not quite the same above 450°K, showing a difference of about 0.1 μV/°K at 700°K. However, each set of data is consistent with the form S=ATBT (A and B are positive constants); and a reasonable average for the two standards is given by S=3.00×103T229TμV/°K, for T>300°K. These two terms are interpreted as representing diffusion thermopower and phonon-drag thermopower contributions, respectively. If this interpretation is correct, it represents the first clear example of a nonzero phonon-drag thermopower in a metal at temperatures above 300°K.

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