Development of receptive-field properties of retinal ganglion cells in kittens

Receptive field properties of ganglion cells were studied in the peri-central retina of kittens 3-7 wk of age. At 3 wk cells had large receptive fields and could not be classified into adult categories. By 4 wk both these cells and others with center diameters of less than were found. The latter cells could be classified as adult-like brisk X, brisk Y or sluggish cells. Increasing numbers of such cells were found in 5-7 wk old animals. Expressing the center diameter of such cells in micrometers of retinal extent showed the diameters to have a range matching that of adults. Receptive field surrounds were difficult to demonstrate at 3 and 4 wk and were still immature as late as 7 wk, even when optical factors were considered. Surround immaturity was manifested in a lack of surround inhibition that led to center response hyperexcitability. Late development of surround properties did not prohibit the categorization of cells as brisk X, brisk Y and sluggish cells.