The genus Lotus (Leguminosae) is defined as including Tetragonolobus Scop. of the Old World and Hosackia Dougl. of N. America, but Dorycnium Vill. and Bonjeania Reichb. are rejected. There is no single character common to all N. American species which would justify retaining Hosackia as a separate genus. Four subgenera are proposed: 1. Pedrosia (Lowe) Brand, 2. Edentolotus Brand, 3. Deflectostylus Callen subgen. nov., and 4. Tetragonolobus (Scop.) Callen, using characters of the style (other than size) in separating them. On this basis, approximately half the N. American species fall into subgenus 2, the rest into subgenus 3.