1. Passive iron (steel) wires, when activated after prolonged immersion in nitric acid of 55 to 90 per cent concentration (volumes per cent of HNO3, specific gravity 1.42) revert spontaneously to the passive state, after a temporary reaction which is transmitted rapidly over the whole length of wire. The duration of this reaction at any region decreases rapidly with increase in the concentration above a certain critical limit of 52 to 54 per cent. In weaker acid (50 per cent and lower) the reaction continues uninterruptedly until all the metal is dissolved. 2. Immediately after this automatic repassivation the wire fails to transmit activation through more than a short distance (1 to 2 cm.); if left undisturbed in the acid it recovers by degrees its power of transmission (as measured by the distance traveled by an activation wave), at first slowly, then more rapidly; eventually, after an interval varying with the concentration of acid and the temperature, the activation wave is transmitted through an indefinite distance as before. 3. The return of complete transmissivity in 55 per cent acid occupies less than a minute (at 20°); in stronger acid it is more gradual, requiring in 90 per cent acid 20 minutes or more. This "complete recovery time" is nearly proportional to the excess of concentration of acid above the limiting value of 53 to 54 per cent. 4. In a given solution of acid the rate of recovery exhibits a temperature coefficient closely similar to that of most chemical reactions at this temperature (3–20°), and also to that of the rate of recovery (refractory period) of irritable living tissues after stimulation (Q10 = about 3). 5. Two definite phases are distinguishable in the recovery process: (1) the redeposition of the continuous passivating surface layer (of oxide or oxygen compound); and (2) the progressive change of the newly passivated wire from the state of incomplete to that of complete transmissivity. The former phase is of brief duration and is indicated by a sudden change in the electrical potential of the wire, from that of active to that of passive iron; this phase is succeeded by the second and more prolonged period during which the passivating layer undergoes the progressive alteration associated with the recovery of transmissivity. This alteration appears to consist in a progressive thinning of the passivating film until a minimal thickness of (probably 1 molecule) is attained. Further thinning is prevented by local electrochemical oxidation. 6. The phenomena of partial or limited transmission during the second phase of the recovery process show a close correspondence with the phenomena of conduction with decrement in irritable living tissues such as nerve. Other analogies with the behavior of irritable tissues (threshold phenomena, distinction between "local" and "propagated" effects, summation, effects resembling electrotonus) are described.