Magneto-optical absorption in a one-dimensional array of narrow antiwires

We present a self-consistent field theory for the infrared absorption coefficient of an array of narrow antiwires in a perpendicular external magnetic field. A detailed study is made of the way in which the collective mode changes from a cyclotron mode when the confining potential is weak to tunneling coupled modes for intermediate antiwire potential strength and then to edge and one-dimensional lattice magnetoplasmon modes for strong potentials. Our numerical calculations show that at low magnetic fields, there is appreciable electron tunneling between quantum wires. However, as the magnetic field is increased, the electron tunneling is suppressed. The suppression of electron tunneling between wires is observed when the tunneling coupled modes emerge into cyclotron modes in the strong magnetic field regime. The edge mode excitation energy oscillates as a function of the electron density. These oscillations corespond to soft or hard potential walls for which the electron states are extended and localized, respectively.