Hyphal Fusions in Schizophyllum Commune. 2. Effects of Environmental and Chemical Factors

SUMMARY In this study of hyphal fusions various types were observed, but the tip-to-side type were the most prevalent. Temperature, pH, type of medium and osmotic pressure did not affect fusion frequency in Schizophyllum commune appreciably. Concentration of sugar produced a statistically significant difference in hyphal fusion frequency with the highest frequency in the absence of any carbon source. NaAsO2, Tween-80, and deoxycholate had no observable effect upon the formation of dikaryons when compatible strains were mated. In the presence of sodium taurocholate dikaryotization took place, but frequently the dikaryotic mycelia sectored into homokaryotic mycelia. A concentration of 0.0005 M CuSO4 permitted dikaryotization of compatible strains, but the resulting dikaryotic mycelia frequently sectored into homokaryotic mycelia as with sodium taurocholate. At 0.001 M CuSO4 dikaryotization of compatible strains was completely inhibited and Van Tieghem cell preparations showed no hyphal fusions.