A Comparative Study of Cytokinesins I and II and Zeatin Riboside: A Reply to Carlos Miller

Two cell-division-promoting factors, which have partition coefficients of 1.9 and 2.75 determined by 500-tube countercurrent distribution in a butanolwater system, have been repeatedly isolated in this laboratory from crown gall tumor tissues of Vinca rosea L. These substances have been given the trivial names cytokinesin I and cytokinesin II, respectively. Chemical and mass spectrometric analyses suggest that both cytokinesins are substituted hypoxanthines and are thus very different compounds from the 6-substituted adenyl cytokinins. Carlos Miller, using a very different and far more drastic isolation procedure, obtained one main cell-division-promoting factor from these same tumor tissues, which he identified as ribosyl-trans-zeatin. On the basis of this finding, and without an attempt to repeat our studies, questions have been raised by Miller concerning the existence of the cytokinesins as biologically active substances. We have, therefore, compared some pertinent physical, chemical, and biological properties of the cytokinesins with those of zeatin riboside, have demonstrated that these three substances can be cleanly separated from one another by a number of different methods and that each behaves as a pure substance in the several systems, and, finally, we have shown that the cytokinesins are not contaminated with ribosyl-trans-zeatin and thus do not owe their biological activity to such a contaminant.