Thein vivoeffect of glucose solutions containing Cu+ +and Zn+ +on the acidogenicity of dental plaque

A series of experiments were performed to evaluate the lowest concentration of copper or zinc effective in reducing the acidogenicity of dental plaque in vivo when applied simultanously with a carbohydrate challenge. The effect of a combination of sub-effective concentrations of these metals was also determined. The results showed a significant reduction in acid production in plaque challenged with glucose solutions containing 0.25 mM CuSO4 or 5.0 mM Zn (C2 H3 O2)2 as compared to glucose solutions alone. Neither 0.1. mM copper sulphate nor 2.5 mM zinc acetate reduced the acidogenicity of plaque significantly, whereas a combination of these subeffective concentrations was effective. The low metal concentrations causing reduction in acid formation in this study may be explained by the inhibiting substances reaching the bacteria at the same time as the substrate. The synergistic effect of the combination of low concentrations of copper and zinc is consistant with the view that these metals effect dental plaque by the same mechanisms.