Hyperfine Structure of the 9161-cm1D522State ofAu197and the Nuclear Electric-Quadrupole Moment

The hfs of the 5d96s2D522 metastable atomic state at 9161 cm1 in Au197 has been studied by the atomic-beam magnetic-resonance technique. The results, in conventional notation, are gJ=1.20000(2), A=+80.236(3) Mc/sec, B=1049.781(11) Mc/sec, and C=+0.0004(4) Mc/sec. A detailed comparison of these results with those of Blachman and Lurio on the D322 member of the same term indicates that configuration interaction is very small in the D2 term. The nuclear electric-quadrupole moment is calculated to be Q(Au197)=+0.59±0.12 b.