Nonrandom integration of human U4 RNA pseudogenes.

Four loci for human U4 RNA have been characterized by DNA sequence analysis. The results show that all four loci represent pseudogenes, which are flanked by direct repeats. Three of the pseudogenes, designated U4/5, U4/6, and U4/8, have very similar structures; they are all truncated and contain the first 67 to 68 nucleotides of the U4 RNA sequence. Their properties suggest that they were created by integration of truncated cDNA copies of the U4 RNA into new chromosomal sites. An interesting observation was that their flanking regions exhibit sequence homology. A purine-rich 5'-flanking sequence 12 to 13 nucleotides long is almost perfectly conserved in all three loci. Boxes of homology were also found on the 3' side when the U4/6 and U4/8 loci were compared. The U4/4 locus has a slightly different structure; the pseudogene matches the first 79 nucleotides of U4 RNA, but contains a greater number of mutations than the other pseudogenes. Taken together, the results suggest that a frequently occurring type of pseudogene for human U4 was created by a RNA-mediated mechanism and that the integration sites have features in common.