Development of Edhazardia aedis (Kudo, 1930) N. G., N. Comb. (Microsporida: Amblyosporidae) in the Mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae)

A microsporidium of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.), identified as Nosema aedis Kudo, 1930, was found to be a heterosporous species with 3 sporulation sequences. Usually, 1 sequence developed in a parental generation host individual that was infected per os as a larva and the other 2 developed concurrently in a filial host larva that was infected transovarially. Under some conditions there were deviations from the parental host-filial host alteration. The 1st sporulation was sequence diplokaryotic (diploid in a particular sense) throughout; the other 2 arose from diplokaryotic meronts, developed concurrently and ended with haploid spores. Haplosis in 1 case was by means of dissociation of the diplokaryon. In the other case it was by meiosis. Conflicting reports about whether the members of the diplokaryon in the latter sequence separate and undergo meiosis individually or coalesce and undergo meiosis as 1 nucleus were resolved in favor of the latter idea. A new genus in family Amblyosporidae was created to contain this species, which then became Edhazardia aedis (Kudo, 1930) n. g., n. comb.

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