Resonance assignment of the 500-MHz proton NMR spectrum of self-complementary dodecanucleotide d-GGATCCGGATCC: altered conformations at BamHI cleavage sites

Resonance assignments of nonexchangeable base and sugar protons of the self-complementary dodecanucleotide d-GGATCCGGATCC have been obtained by two-dimensional NMR methods and strategies derived from interproton distance calculations on different secondary structures of nucleic acids. Conformational details about the glycosidic dihedral angle and sugar pucker have been derived from the relative intensities of cross peaks in the two-dimensional J-correlated and nuclear Overhauser enhancement correlated spectra in D2O solution. It is observed that d-GGATCCGGATCC assumes a predominantly B-type conformation with sequence-dependent changes along the chain. The recognition site of BamHI shows a distinctly different geometrical environment. The sugar rings of G1 and G7 assume a C3'-endo geometry while the rest of the sugars possess C2'-endo geometry.