Photosystem I at 4 Å resolution represents the first structural model of a joint photosynthetic reaction centre and core antenna system

The 4 Å X-ray structure model of trimeric photosystem I of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus reveals 31 transmembrane, nine surface and three stromal α-helices per monomer, assigned to the 11 protein subunits: PsaA and PsaB are related by a pseudo two-fold axis normal to the membrane plane, along which the electron transfer pigments are arranged. 65 antenna chlorophyll a (Chl a) molecules separated by ≤16 Å form an oval, clustered net, continuous with the electron transfer chain through the second and third Chl a pairs of the electron transfer system. This suggests a dual role for these Chl a both in excitation energy and electron transfer. The architecture of the protein core indicates quinone and iron-sulphur type reaction centres to have a common ancestor.