Lipid-protein interactions in bovine rod outer segment disk membranes have been studied by using a series of eight stearic acid spin-label probes which were labeled at different carbon atom positions in the chain. In randomly oriented membrane dispersions, the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of the C-8, C-9, C-10, C-11, C-12, C-13, and C-14 atom positional isomers all apparently consist of two components. One of the components corresponds closely to the spectra obtained from dispersions of the extracted membrane lipids, and the other, which is characterized by a considerably greater degree of motional restriction of the lipid chains, is induced by the presence of the protein. Digital subtraction has been used to separate the two components. The proportion of the motionally restricted lipid component is approximately constant, independent of the position of the spin-label group, and corresponds to 30-40% of the total spin-label spectral intensity. The hyperfine splitting of the outer maxima in the difference spectra of the motionally restricted component decreases, and concomitantly, the line widths increase with increasing temperature but change relatively little with increasing distance of the spin-label group from the polar head-group region. This indicates that the corresponding chain motions of the protein-interacting lipids lie in the slow-motion regime of spin-label ESR spectroscopy (.tau.R .apprx. 10-8 s) and that the mobility of these lipids increases with increasing temperature but does not vary greatly along the length of the chain. The data from the hyperfine splittings also suggest the existence of a polarity gradient immediately adjacent to the protein surface, as observed in the fluid lipid regions of the membrane. The more fluid lipid component is only slightly perturbed relative to the lipids alone (for label positions 5-14, inclusive), indicating the presence of chain motions on the nanosecond time scale, and the spectra also reveal a similar polarity profile in both lipid and membrane environments. ESR spectra have also been obtained as a function of magnetic field orientation with oriented membrane samples. For the C-14 atom positional isomer, the motionally restricted component is observed to have a large hyperfine splitting, with the mgnetic field oriented both parallel and perpendicular to the membrane normal. This indicates that the motionally restricted lipid chains have a broad distribution of orientations at this label position. A motionally restricted lipid component is also detected with the C-5 atom positional isomer in oriented membranes. It is concluded that the spin-labeled lipids in direct association with rhodopsin are not highly ordered and display motional restriction along the entire length of their chains, with rotational correlation times in the range of 10 ns.