Cobalt Polycythemia. II. Relative Effects of Oral and Subcutaneous Administration of Cobaltous Chloride

The relative effect of parenteral versus oral admn. of cobaltous chloride on erythrocyte and Hb formation in rats was detd. Daily subcut. injn. of 2.5 mg./kg. of body wt., over a period of 6 wks., resulted in an increase of more than 30% in the number of erythrocytes/c. mm. and in gs. of Hb/100 ml. of blood. To produce a similar effect from oral admn. of cobaltous chloride, within the same period of time, 40 mg./kg. of body wt. was required. These dosages are without significant toxic effects. Rats which received 10 mg. cobaltous chloride/ kg. daily, subcut., averaged 24% wt. loss by the end of 6 wks. Rats which received 40 mg./kg. body wt., subcut., did not survive beyond 8 days.