LK-Capture Ratio in Mn54, Fe55, Co57, and Co58 Decays

The multiwire proportional counter method has been applied to measurements of the L and K radiations arising from orbital electron-capture in gaseous sources of 290-day Mn54, 2.6-yr Fe55, 270-day Co57, and 72-day Co58. The presence of gamma transitions and positrons in the decay of Mn54, Co57, and Co58 is shown not to interfere with an accurate measurement of the LK-capture ratio. The experimental values of the LK-capture ratio are 0.098±0.006, 0.106±0.005, 0.099±0.011, and 0.108±0.004 for Mn54, Fe55, Co57, and Co58, respectively. The result for Fe55 is in excellent agreement with the earlier value measured by Scobie, Moler, and Fink, although the present value has been corrected for counter escape somewhat more exactly. These values lie above the theoretical results of Brysk and Rose by some 9% for Mn54, 9.3% for Fe55, 7% for Co57, and 17% for Co58. These discrepancies are reduced by application of the exchange correction pointed out by Bahcall to the theoretical results of Brysk and Rose. This correction for the effect of exchange among the various electrons participating in the electron capture process apparently explains the well-established general discrepancy between the precision experimental values and the theory of Brysk and Rose. Remaining slight discrepancies probably can be traced to systematic experimental errors.