Embryo development in cultured wild carrot tissue was studied by considering the relationship between DNA biosynthesis and embryo morphogenesis. Autoradiographic data of3H-thymirdine incorporation indicated a higherpercentage of cells undergoing DNA synthesis in adventive embryos than in proembryonic masses. A definite pattern of DNA synthesis was observed during the transition from a proembryonic mass to the torpedo stage of embryogenesis. In particular the labeling pattern for both the heart and torpedo stages was found to be coincident with specific morphogenetic events. Byl sledován vývoj embrya u plané mrkve se zřetelem na vztah mezi biosynthesou DNA a morfogenezí embrya. Podle inkorporace3H-thymidinu, stanovené autoradiograficky, lze soudit na větší podíl buněk synthetisujících DNA v adventivních embryích ve srovnání s proembryonální masou.