THERE is considerable diversity of opinion regarding the treatment of the region of the cervical lymph nodes in the presence of labial and intraoral malignant lesions. As Wilson1 pointed out, the lymphatic spread of cancer may vary according to the primary site and therefore the results should be studied in terms of the origin of the metastatic lesions. In this paper we shall present only the results of treatment of the neck in squamous cell epithelioma of the lower lip. The trend in the treatment of cervical nodes, as Duffy2 has pointed out, has progressed from radical surgical procedures, pioneered by Kocher, Cheattle, Bloodgood and Crile, through extensive use of radiation at some centers to a consideration of the two methods separately or in combination. It is felt that metastatic lesions develop by lymphatic emboli rather than by direct extension.3 Therefore, the treatment of the secondary lesion can be considered to be separate from