Policy Review Section

In this issue of the Policy Review Section, Michael Clarke and John Stewart of the Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham, examine the changing role of local government within the framework of a newly emerging and fragmented form of community governance. In the second article Kevin Hannigan of the Department of Banking and Commerce, University of Ulster, examines the regional impact of the Irish government's tourism programme. It is suggested that claims of success in job creation and redistribution of income to poorer regions may have been exaggerated. Funds have not been distributed with regional development as a priority and the industry has grown most rapidly in those areas which already have developed facilities. In the third article Doug Hart and Joe Doak of the Department of Land Management and Development, University of Reading, drawing on a study of structure planning policy in Hertfordshire, illustrate some of the strategic issues facing prosperous southern areas with a high degree of planned environmental protection yet experiencing powerful forces of economic restructuring.