Renin is liberated into the renal vein in increased amts. by the kidneys of dogs made hypertensive by cellophane or silk perinephritis, and by clamping the renal artery. Most of it disappears by the time the blood has reached the femoral artery. Renin-activator is decreased in the blood from the renal vein and is increased in hypertensive animals when the femoral artery is reached. Angiotonin-activator is not greatly decreased in the renal vein blood but may be increased in the femoral arterial blood in hypertensive animals. Early in the course of malignant hypertension, large amts. of renin are liberated by the kidneys (1 expt.). Later, both angiotonin-activator and renin-activator are greatly reduced or sufficient inhibitor is formed to abolish the reaction between them and angiotonin or renin (7 expts.).