It is shown that there exists a close relationship between the analytic properties of the partial-wave amplitude as a function of complex-angular momentum l and those of the coefficients of expansions, other than the partial-wave expansion, as functions of the corresponding summation index, ν. The case of power series in z, and in the Mandelstam variables t and u is studied in detail. We show how the l-plane Regge poles for Rel>12 determine all the ν-plane poles for Reν>12 and vice versa. For the relativistic amplitude we write a representation consisting of three double power series in s, t, and u. We establish the analytic properties of the expansion coefficients in the two index variables which are implied by Regge analyticity in the l plane of each channel. This enables us to apply the Watson-Sommerfeld transformation twice and obtain a crossing-symmetric Regge-type representation which simultaneously displays the contributions of the Regge poles in all three channels.