In pooled extracts of 233.6 g of human myometrium obtained during 73 caesarian-sections progesterone was identified and quantitated. The quantitative determinations were carried out with four different methods. 1. gaschromatographic determination of free progesterone, 2. UV-spectrophotometric determination of free progesterone, 3. gaschromatographic determination of monochloroacetates of progesterone after enzymatic reduction with 20[beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 4. isotope derivative analysis by formation of the acetate with 1-C14-acetic-anhydride after enzymatic reduction with 20[beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. In the last month of pregnancy the mean progesterone concentration in 9 pooled extracts of myometrium from 11 determinations was 0.16 [mu]g [plus or minus] 0.06 [mu]g per g of myometrium. In 41 g of myometrium of a single uterus obtained in the fourth month of pregnancy the progesterone concentration was 0.09 [mu]g per g of myometrium. The identification of progesterone was based on the following criteria: 1. ultraviolet absorption, 2. behavior in paper- and thin-layer-chromatography, 3. retention times in gas-liquid chromatography with argon ionisatlon and electron capture detectors, 4. formation of derivates after enzymatic reduction with 20[beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 5. proof of radiochemical purity of the C14-labeled derivative of progesterone from myometrium.