Photochemical Behavior of Alkali Halide Crystals Containing OHand SO4=Ions

The irradiation with uv light of KCl crystals containing K2SO4 produces three new absorption bands at 213, 236, and 258 mμ. Simultaneously, the absorption due to SO4= ions in the infrared decreases. KCl crystals doped with KOH show on irradiation only the 236- and 213-mμ bands. A comparison of the absorbance at these wavelengths after irradiation with that due to the OH and SO4= ions prior to irradiation leads to the conclusion that the 236-mμ band is due to absorption by an oxygen species while that at 213 mμ comes from the photolysis of OH ions which are present to some extent even in crystals which have not been doped with KOH. It is likely that the 213-mμ band is identical with the hydride band. KBr doped with K2SO4 shows broadly similar results.